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DuckDB in Action, Examples from chapters 3 and 4: Having fun with power production measurements
Editor's note: the Manning book "DuckDB in Action" has tons of great SQL exercises, including a few chapters which work on power production data. Michael, one of the authors, shares some of these queries here [and on other snippets published on this site].
3.17 Using arg_max to find sibling values of aggregated values computed in a common table expressionSQL
WITH per_hour AS ( SELECT system_id, date_trunc('hour', read_on) AS read_on, avg(power) / 1000 AS kWh FROM readings GROUP BY ALL ) SELECT name, max(kWh), arg_max(read_on, kWh) AS 'Read on' FROM per_hour JOIN systems s ON = per_hour.system_id WHERE system_id = 34 GROUP by;
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4.18 Using named windows defined with a partition and a range to compute several aggregates at onceSQL
SELECT system_id, day, min(kWh) OVER seven_days AS "7-day min", quantile(kWh, [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) OVER seven_days AS "kWh 7-day quartile", max(kWh) OVER seven_days AS "7-day max", FROM v_power_per_day WINDOW seven_days AS ( PARTITION BY system_id, month(day) ORDER BY day ASC RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL 3 Days PRECEDING AND INTERVAL 3 Days FOLLOWING ) ORDER BY system_id, day;
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4.23 Filtering outside the where clause to find a time period with a high production over 7 daysSQL
SELECT system_id, day, avg(kWh) OVER ( PARTITION BY system_id ORDER BY day ASC RANGE BETWEEN INTERVAL 3 Days PRECEDING AND INTERVAL 3 Days FOLLOWING ) AS "kWh 7-day moving average" FROM v_power_per_day QUALIFY "kWh 7-day moving average" > 875 ORDER BY system_id, day;
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StackOverflow Analytics
Editor's note: Michael shares Stackoverflow data in MotherDuck as part of this snippet as well as typical aggregate analytics on the data. There are additional sample data sets attached by default in MotherDuck as the 'sample_data' share.
Which 5 questions have the most comments, what is the post title and comment countSQL
SELECT Title, CommentCount FROM posts WHERE PostTypeId = 1 ORDER BY CommentCount DESC LIMIT 5;
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User reputation and reputation rate per daySQL
SELECT name, reputation, round(reputation/day(today()-createdAt)) as rate, day(today()-createdAt) as days, createdAt FROM users WHERE reputation > 1000000 ORDER BY rate DESC;
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Reputation rate as bar chart with CTESQL
WITH top_users as ( SELECT name, reputation, round(reputation/day(today()-createdAt)) as rate, day(today()-createdAt) as days, createdAt FROM users WHERE reputation > 1000000 ) SELECT name, reputation, rate, bar(rate,150,300,35) AS bar FROM top_users;
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