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DuckDB in Action: Some neat DuckDB specific SQL extension

Editor's note: DuckDB strives to make it easy to write SQL, even when it requires introducing non-standard syntax. See the great blog posts by Alex Monahan or explore the Manning "DuckDB in Action" book by the author of this snippet.

Attach and select MotherDuck database

Data shared/available on MotherDuck

ATTACH 'md:_share/duckdb_in_action_ch3_4/d0c08584-1d33-491c-8db7-cf9c6910eceb' AS duckdb_in_action_ch3_4;
USE duckdb_in_action_ch3_4;

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DuckDB specific extensions: Project all columns matching a patternSQL

SELECT COLUMNS('valid.*') FROM prices LIMIT 3;

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DuckDB specific extensions: Apply an aggregation to several columnsSQL

SELECT max(COLUMNS('valid.*')) FROM prices;

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DuckDB specific extensions: Apply one condition to many columnsSQL

FROM prices
WHERE COLUMNS('valid.*') BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2021-01-01';

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Michael Simons


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