Detect Schema Changes Across Datasets (Python)Python

Compare the schema of two datasets and identify any differences.

Execute this Python

import duckdb

def compare_schemas(file1, file2):
    Compare schemas of two datasets and find differences.
        file1 (str): Path to the first dataset (CSV/Parquet).
        file2 (str): Path to the second dataset (CSV/Parquet).
        list: Schema differences.
    con = duckdb.connect()
    schema1 = con.execute(f"DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('{file1}')").fetchall()
    schema2 = con.execute(f"DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('{file2}')").fetchall()
    return {"file1_schema": schema1, "file2_schema": schema2}

# Example Usage
differences = compare_schemas("data1.csv", "data2.csv")

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Remove Duplicate Records from a CSV File (Bash)Bash

This function helps clean up a dataset by identifying and removing duplicate records. It’s especially useful for ensuring data integrity before analysis.

Execute this Bash

function remove_duplicates() {
    input_file="$1"  # Input CSV file with duplicates
    output_file="$2" # Deduplicated output CSV file
    # Use DuckDB to remove duplicate rows and write the cleaned data to a new CSV file.
    duckdb -c "COPY (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM read_csv_auto('$input_file')) TO '$output_file' (FORMAT CSV, HEADER TRUE);"

#Usage remove_duplicates "input_data.csv" "cleaned_data.csv"

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Query JSON files Using SQL in PythonPython

DuckDB supports querying JSON files directly, enabling seamless analysis of semi-structured data. This script lets you apply SQL queries to JSON files within a Python environment, ideal for preprocessing or exploring JSON datasets.

Execute this Python

import duckdb

def query_json(file_path, query):
    Query JSON data directly using DuckDB.
        file_path (str): Path to the JSON file.
        query (str): SQL query to execute on the JSON data.
        pandas.DataFrame: Query results as a Pandas DataFrame.
    con = duckdb.connect()
    # Execute the query on the JSON file and fetch the results as a Pandas DataFrame.
    df = con.execute(f"SELECT * FROM read_json_auto('{file_path}') WHERE {query}").df()
    return df

# Example Usage
result = query_json("./json/query_20min.json", "scheduled = true")

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read_dsv() -> Parse properly separated CSV files

I tend to prefer using the ASCII unit (\x1f) and group separator (\x1e) as resp. column and line delimiters in CSVs (which technically no longer makes them a CSV). The read_csv function doesn't seem to want to play nice with these, so here's my attempt at a workaround.

Marco definitionSQL

-- For more info on DSVs (I'm not the author):
CREATE OR REPLACE MACRO read_dsv(path_spec)
with _lines as (
        ,regexp_split_to_array(content, '\x1e') as content
    from read_text(path_spec )
, _cleanup as (
        ,regexp_split_to_array(content[1],'\x1f') as header
        ,generate_subscripts(content[2:],1) as linenum
        ,unnest((content[2:]).list_filter(x -> trim(x) != '').list_transform(x -> x.regexp_split_to_array('\x1f'))) as line
    from _lines
    ,unnest(map_entries(map(header, line)), recursive := true) as kv
from _cleanup

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-- You can use the same path specification as you would with read_text or read_csv, this includes globbing.
-- Trying to include the pivot statement in the macro isn't possible, as you then have to explicitly define the column values (which defeats the purpose of this implementation)
pivot read_dsv("C:\Temp\csv\*.csv")
on key
using first(value)
group by filename, linenum
order by filename, linenum

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Read Apache Iceberg to Google SheetsSQL

Sometimes you just need to get an Apache Iceberg table into Google Sheets for further analysis. The 'gsheet_id' can be found in the URL of your Google Sheet, and writes to the sheet with gid=0.

Execute this SQL

-- get iceberg extension
INSTALL iceberg;
LOAD iceberg;
-- get gsheets extension
INSTALL gsheets FROM community;
LOAD gsheets;
-- authenticate to google sheets
-- copy the iceberg data to your google sheet!
COPY (from iceberg_scan('s3://my-bucket/iceberg_table')) TO ‘gsheet_id’ (FORMAT gsheet);

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Jacob Matson


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Label columns based on source tableSQL

Commonly, tables that are joined together have overlapping column names. This snippet will rename all columns to have a prefix based on the source table. No more duplicate names! This is similar to the Pandas join feature of lsuffix and rsuffix.

Execute this SQL

    COLUMNS(t1.*) AS 't1_\0',
    COLUMNS(t2.*) AS 't2_\0'
FROM range(10) t1 
JOIN range(10) t2 ON t1.range = t2.range

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Alex Monahan


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Generate series of numbers in DuckDB

DuckDB has two common ways to generate a series of numbers: the range() function and the generate_series() function. They differ only in that the generate_series() function has a 'stop' value that's inclusive, while the 'stop' value of range() is exclusive.

generate_series with inclusive stop valueSQL

// generate_series(start, stop, step)
// get all even numbers, starting at 0 up to and including 100
SELECT * FROM generate_series(0,100,2);

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range with exclusive stop valueSQL

// range(start, stop, step)
// get all even numbers, starting at 0 up to and including 98
SELECT * FROM range(0,100,2);

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Generate range() as arraySQL

// Using range() as a column value instead of a table
// in your SQL statement will return an array of the
// numbers in the range
SELECT range(0,100,2)

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Ryan Boyd


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