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-- This requires the spatial extension LOAD spatial; -- Pick for example any Garmin Connect or Strava export as GPX file -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format WITH elevation_gains AS ( SELECT ele - lag(ele) OVER (ORDER BY track_seg_point_id ASC) AS value FROM st_read('activity_11501782487.gpx', layer='track_points') ) SELECT sum(e.value) FILTER (WHERE e.value >= 0) AS ascent, sum(e.value) FILTER (WHERE e.value < 0) AS descent FROM elevation_gains e;
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No more error on on end of line commasSQL
Editor's note: this query demonstrates default behavior for DuckDB, but boy does it make it easier to comment your SQL lines out without fail.
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# 🤓 Courtesy of Michael Simons (aka. @rotnroll666) # 🐦 https://twitter.com/rotnroll666/status/1671066790368010241 SELECT foo, bar, # hello, world, # dummy, FROM bazbar;
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-- Background: CloudTrail logs contain a significant amount of data about different actions that occur in your AWS account but can be challenging to deal with for a couple reasons: -- 1. Each file is a single JSON object with a list of of records in a "Records" key -- 2. The schema varies wildly depending on the type of AWS service and actions that are being used. -- CloudTrail logs typically go to: s3://<bucket>/AWSLogs/<accountid>/CloudTrail/<region>/<year>/<month>/<day>/<accountid-region-some-unique-id>.json.gz" -- To use this query, you need to load the httpfs extension and either set the following s3_ variables or ensure your standard AWS secret key environment variables are set -- install https; -- load https; -- SET s3_region='us-west-2'; -- SET s3_access_key_id=''; -- SET s3_secret_access_key=''; -- The following query returns the first 10 logs from today. WITH parsed_logs AS ( select UNNEST(Records, recursive := True) from read_json_auto( "s3://<bucket>/AWSLogs/<accountid>/CloudTrail/<region>/" || strftime(now(), "%Y/%m/%d") || "/*.json.gz" , union_by_name=True ) ) SELECT * FROM parsed_logs LIMIT 10;
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Execute this Python
# Creates a lambda that adds X+Y using pyarrow.compute # This lambda will be called once for every 2048 rows import duckdb from duckdb import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.compute as pc from duckdb.typing import * con=duckdb.connect() con.create_function('plus_lambda', lambda x,y: pc.add(x, y), [BIGINT, BIGINT], BIGINT, type='arrow') res = con.execute('select plus_lambda(i, 5) from range(11) tbl(i)').df() print(res) con.remove_function('plus_lambda')
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Read an MS Excel File with the spatial extensionSQL
Editor's note: It might seem a bit odd, but the DuckDB spatial extension includes a function for reading Microsoft Excel XLSX files into DuckDB. This is because a lot of geospatial files are shared this way, but you can take advantage of this capability even if you have no spatial data!
Execute this SQL
install spatial; load spatial; from st_read('file.xlsx',layer='sheet_name');
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Query S3 Access LogsSQL
Editor's note: Want to read log files with DuckDB? You can use the read_csv function and custom date/time + regex parsing to do it. To make the data more useful, you can specifically CAST some of the values as numerical types. This snippet also shows CASE WHEN ELSE statements in action.
Execute this SQL
/* Background: If you have S3 Access Logging enabled on one of your S3 buckets, you'll have some useful information about requests to your bucket. Unfortunately, it's in a semistructured format that can be difficult to parse. This SQL query will can help in this manner, both pulling out individual fields and coersing them to native data types. Usage: you'll want to search for the strings <bucket> and <prefix>, and insert the S3 bucket where your access logs are being delivered. Use (or delete) <prefix> to filter to a subset of your logs. Also, these commented out configuration settings you can either run yourself in the REPL and source this file using `.read parse_s3_access_logs.sql`, or you can uncomment them and supply values for yourself. */ -- install https; -- load https; -- SET s3_region='us-west-2'; -- SET s3_access_key_id=''; -- SET s3_secret_access_key=''; WITH parsed_logs AS ( SELECT regexp_extract(col1, '^([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+([a-z0-9.\-]+)\s+\[([0-9/A-Za-z: +]+)\] ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ("[^"]*"|-) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) ("[^"]*"|-) ("[^"]*"|-) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)(.*)$', ['bucket_owner', 'bucket', 'timestamp', 'remote_ip', 'request', 'request_id', 'operation', 's3_key', 'request_uri', 'http_status', 's3_errorcode', 'bytes_sent','object_size', 'total_time', 'turn_around_time', 'referer', 'user_agent', 'version_id', 'host_id', 'sigver', 'cyphersuite', 'auth_type', 'host_header', 'tls_version', 'access_point_arn', 'acl_required', 'extra'] ) AS log_struct FROM -- Trick the CSV reader into reading as a single column read_csv( 's3://<bucket>/<prefix>/*', columns={'col1': 'VARCHAR'}, -- Use a *hopefully* nonsensical deliminator, so no ',' chars screw us up delim='\0' ) ) SELECT -- Grab everything from the struct that we want as strings, exclude stuff we'll coersce to diff types log_struct.* exclude (timestamp, bytes_sent, object_size, total_time, turn_around_time), strptime(log_struct.timestamp, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z') AS timestamp, CASE WHEN log_struct.bytes_sent = '-' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(log_struct.bytes_sent AS INTEGER) END AS bytes_sent, CASE WHEN log_struct.object_size = '-' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(log_struct.object_size AS INTEGER) END AS object_size, CASE WHEN log_struct.total_time = '-' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(log_struct.total_time AS INTEGER) END AS total_time, CASE WHEN log_struct.turn_around_time = '-' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(log_struct.turn_around_time AS INTEGER) END AS turn_around_time FROM parsed_logs;
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Put null values last when sorting (like Excel or Postgres)SQL
Editor's note: DuckDB enables you to configure whether NULL values are returned first or last in result sets by default. You can also specify it per query using NULLS LAST in the query ORDER BY clause. Note that NULLS LAST is now the default with 0.8.0+.
Execute this SQL
PRAGMA default_null_order='NULLS LAST';
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Execute this SQL
-- create macro CREATE OR REPLACE MACRO udf_products_in_year (v_year, v_category) AS TABLE SELECT name, category, created_at FROM products WHERE category = v_category AND year(created_at) = v_year; -- select using the macro as you would do from a table SELECT * FROM udf_products_in_year (2020, 'Home and Garden'); | Copper Light | Home and Garden | 2020-04-05 00:00:00.000 | | Pink Armchair | Home and Garden | 2020-06-23 00:00:00.000 | -- input ddl and data CREATE TABLE products ( name varchar, category varchar, created_at timestamp ); INSERT INTO products VALUES ('Cream Sofa', 'Home and Garden', '2019-03-14'), ('Copper Light', 'Home and Garden', '2020-04-05'), ('Pink Armchair', 'Home and Garden', '2020-06-23');
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