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City air quality insights based on WHO data
Editor's note: Mehdi's database share includes air quality data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Use his example queries to understand pollution in particular areas. You might even try combining with the spatial extension discussed in other snippets.
Annual city air quality rating based on WHO dataSQL
SELECT city, year, CASE WHEN AVG(pm25_concentration) <= 10 AND AVG(pm10_concentration) <= 20 AND AVG(no2_concentration) <= 40 THEN 'Good' WHEN AVG(pm25_concentration) > 10 AND AVG(pm10_concentration) > 20 AND AVG(no2_concentration) > 40 THEN 'Poor' ELSE 'Moderate' END AS airqualityrating FROM sample_data.who.ambient_air_quality GROUP BY city, year ORDER BY city, year;
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Yearly average pollutant concentrations of a city (Berlin)SQL
SELECT year, AVG(pm25_concentration) AS avg_pm25, AVG(pm10_concentration) AS avg_pm10, AVG(no2_concentration) AS avg_no2 FROM sample_data.who.ambient_air_quality WHERE city = 'Berlin' GROUP BY year ORDER BY year DESC;
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Query Yahoo Finance data with Scrooge extension
Editor's note: The Scrooge McDuck extension provides common aggregation functions and data scanners used for financial data. This example grabs stock quotes (or the S&P 500 in this case) on specific dates for analysis in DuckDB.
Execute this SQL
-- Install httpfs extension INSTALL httpfs; LOAD httpfs; -- Install Scrooge extension -- NOTE: You need to start DuckDB with `-unsigned` flag to authorize to install & load of 3rd party extension SET custom_extension_repository=''; INSTALL scrooge; LOAD scrooge; -- Example of query FROM yahoo_finance("^GSPC", "2023-02-01", "2023-02-04", "1d");
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Quickly convert a CSV to Parquet, bash function
Editor's note: DuckDB makes it easy to convert between a variety of popular data formats (CSV, JSON, Parquet, and more) using simple SQL statements. It's also easy to execute these statements from a bash shell so you have them ready to go.
Execute this Bash
#!/bin/bash function csv_to_parquet() { file_path="$1" duckdb -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('$file_path')) TO '${file_path%.*}.parquet' (FORMAT PARQUET);" }
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Allow unsigned extensions (own extensions or untrusted third-parties)
Editor's note: While DuckDB has 20+ official extensions, it also allows you to write your own extensions. In order load extensions from unofficial repositories, you'll need to let DuckDB know that it's safe to do so. This can be done using the allow_unsigned_extensions flag or -unsigned for the CLI.
Execute this Bash
duckdb -unsigned
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Show supported DuckDB extensions
Editor's note: DuckDB has many supported extensions for everything from data formats (JSON, parquet, excel, iceberg) to specific types (IP addresses, time zones) to indexing (full-text-search) and more. This table function will tell you which extensions are supported in your local DuckDB install.
Execute this SQL
-- show supported duckdb extensions FROM duckdb_extensions();
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