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Working with spatial data

Editor's note: Geospatial data is increasingly important for analytics - whether you're looking at data like store inventory, customer location or the weather. The spatial extension for DuckDB provides support for common data formats, calculations and searching within geometries.

Create a point from latitude and longitude pairsSQL

-- Install spatial extension
INSTALL spatial; 
LOAD spatial; 

-- Represent a latitude and longitude as a point
-- The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France has a 
-- latitude of 48.858935 and longitude of 2.293412
-- We can represent this location as a point
SELECT st_point(48.858935, 2.293412) AS Eiffel_Tower;

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Find the distance between two locations (in meters)SQL

-- Distance between the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
-- Using the EPSG spatial reference systems: 
-- EPSG:4326 geographic coordinates as latitude and longitude pairs
-- EPSG:27563 projection that covers northern France and uses meters 

    st_point(48.858935, 2.293412) AS Eiffel_Tower, 
    st_point(48.873407, 2.295471) AS Arc_de_Triomphe,
        st_transform(Eiffel_Tower, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:27563'), 
        st_transform(Arc_de_Triomphe, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:27563')
    ) AS Aerial_Distance_M;

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Find the country for given latitude and longitude locationSQL

-- Load the geometry outline for each country
-- Save the country name and "geom" border in table world_boundaries
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE world_boundaries
FROM st_read('');

-- Find the enclosing country for a given point
-- We can which country the Eiffel Tower is in 
SELECT name, region
FROM world_boundaries
WHERE ST_Within(st_point(2.293412, 48.858935) , geom);

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Simon Aubury


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