SQL with PipesSQL

Pipes in SQL via psql extension created by Yannick Welsch

Execute this SQL

install psql from community;
load psql;

from 'https://sampledata.sidequery.ai/earthquakes.parquet' |>
limit 10000 |>
where status = 'Reviewed' |>
group by all;

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Nico Ritschel


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Split strings into version numbers and order properSQL

This snippet takes version numbers that might contain arbitrary additional information and splits them into a list of integers, that one can sort like `sort -V` does.

Execute this SQL

SELECT v FROM VALUES ('1.10.0'), ('1.3.0'), ('1.13.0.RELEASE') f(v) ORDER BY list_transform(string_split(v, '.'), x -> TRY_CAST (x AS INTEGER)) ASC;

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Michael Simons


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Label columns based on source tableSQL

Commonly, tables that are joined together have overlapping column names. This snippet will rename all columns to have a prefix based on the source table. No more duplicate names! This is similar to the Pandas join feature of lsuffix and rsuffix.

Execute this SQL

    COLUMNS(t1.*) AS 't1_\0',
    COLUMNS(t2.*) AS 't2_\0'
FROM range(10) t1 
JOIN range(10) t2 ON t1.range = t2.range

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Alex Monahan


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Execute this SQL

-- Using  Scaleway as an example, where first 75GB is free
-- https://www.scaleway.com/en/object-storage/
-- This also works for Google Storage, Digital Ocean Spaces, 
-- Wasabi and so on

-- set these like you do for AWS
SET s3_access_key_id='MY_KEY'
SET s3_secret_access_key='MY_SECRET'

-- set the endpoint and region to override the default of 
-- using AWS endpoints
SET s3_endpoint='s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud'
SET s3_region="nl-ams"

  -- format a large number with helpful commas 
  -- for readability
  format('{:,}', count(*)) as "total rows in file" 
FROM "s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME>.zst.parquet"

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Chris Adams

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Execute this SQL

-- listing files
FROM glob('dataset/*');

-- reading from files
FROM 'dataset/*.parquet' LIMIT 100; 

-- reading parquet files metadata (min_value, max_value, null_count for each field in each file)
FROM parquet_metadata('dataset/*.parquet');

-- convert files or export tables to parquet
COPY (FROM tbl) TO 'file.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet');
COPY 'data.csv' TO 'data.paruqet' (FORMAT 'parquet');

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Octavian Zarzu

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Execute this SQL

-- Here we make use of list_transform and 
-- the fact that DuckDB knows lambda expressions
SELECT list_transform(split('01:08:22', ':'), x -> CAST (x AS INTEGER));

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Michael Simons

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Execute this SQL

-- This selects only specific fields from the CSV
-- It also renames one of the fields in the target schema
COPY (SELECT col1, col2, col3 AS new_col_name
	    FROM read_csv('~/data/source.csv',AUTO_DETECT=TRUE))
  TO '~/data/target.parquet' (FORMAT 'PARQUET', CODEC 'ZSTD');

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Robin Moffatt

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Execute this SQL

LOAD spatial;

-- Pick for example any Garmin Connect or Strava export as GPX file
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format

SELECT round(
         -- Compute the length of the geomentry in the units of the
         -- reference system being used
           -- Transform from standard GPS WGS-84 into a reference system 
           -- that uses meters. EPSG:25832 stands for ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N,
           -- Europe between 6°E and 12°E
             -- Fix the order of coordinates 
             -- (GXP read as long/lat, we need lat/long)
               -- Turn the WKT into a DuckDB Geometry
       ) /1000, 2) AS 'Distance (km)'
FROM st_read('activity_11501782487.gpx', layer='tracks');

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Michael Simons

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