SQL with PipesSQL

Pipes in SQL via psql extension created by Yannick Welsch

Execute this SQL

install psql from community;
load psql;

from 'https://sampledata.sidequery.ai/earthquakes.parquet' |>
limit 10000 |>
where status = 'Reviewed' |>
group by all;

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Nico Ritschel


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Execute this SQL

-- This selects only specific fields from the CSV
-- It also renames one of the fields in the target schema
COPY (SELECT col1, col2, col3 AS new_col_name
	    FROM read_csv('~/data/source.csv',AUTO_DETECT=TRUE))
  TO '~/data/target.parquet' (FORMAT 'PARQUET', CODEC 'ZSTD');

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Robin Moffatt

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Execute this SQL

LOAD spatial;

-- Pick for example any Garmin Connect or Strava export as GPX file
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format

SELECT round(
         -- Compute the length of the geomentry in the units of the
         -- reference system being used
           -- Transform from standard GPS WGS-84 into a reference system 
           -- that uses meters. EPSG:25832 stands for ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N,
           -- Europe between 6°E and 12°E
             -- Fix the order of coordinates 
             -- (GXP read as long/lat, we need lat/long)
               -- Turn the WKT into a DuckDB Geometry
       ) /1000, 2) AS 'Distance (km)'
FROM st_read('activity_11501782487.gpx', layer='tracks');

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Michael Simons

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Execute this SQL

-- listing files
FROM glob('dataset/*');

-- reading from files
FROM 'dataset/*.parquet' LIMIT 100; 

-- reading parquet files metadata (min_value, max_value, null_count for each field in each file)
FROM parquet_metadata('dataset/*.parquet');

-- convert files or export tables to parquet
COPY (FROM tbl) TO 'file.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet');
COPY 'data.csv' TO 'data.paruqet' (FORMAT 'parquet');

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Octavian Zarzu

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Execute this SQL

-- Here we make use of list_transform and 
-- the fact that DuckDB knows lambda expressions
SELECT list_transform(split('01:08:22', ':'), x -> CAST (x AS INTEGER));

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Michael Simons

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Execute this SQL

with bits as (
    -- add 8 bits to the end to account for the delimiter
    bit_length(columns(*))  + 8
    from <TABLE>
-- aggregate all columns
bits_agg as (
    select sum(columns(*)) from bits
-- unpivot a wide single row of aggs to single column
bits_col as (
    unpivot bits_agg on columns(*)
-- add them all up & convert to mb
select sum(value) / (8 * 1024 ** 2) as mb
from bits_col

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Hamilton Ulmer

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Execute this SQL

-- Using  Scaleway as an example, where first 75GB is free
-- https://www.scaleway.com/en/object-storage/
-- This also works for Google Storage, Digital Ocean Spaces, 
-- Wasabi and so on

-- set these like you do for AWS
SET s3_access_key_id='MY_KEY'
SET s3_secret_access_key='MY_SECRET'

-- set the endpoint and region to override the default of 
-- using AWS endpoints
SET s3_endpoint='s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud'
SET s3_region="nl-ams"

  -- format a large number with helpful commas 
  -- for readability
  format('{:,}', count(*)) as "total rows in file" 
FROM "s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<FILE_NAME>.zst.parquet"

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Chris Adams

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Convert EPOC integer field to TimestampSQL

Editor's note: date/time conversion can be painful in SQL and in many programming languages. Simon shows you how to handle it in DuckDB here, with timezone values. There are other timestamp without timezone functions in the DuckDB docs.

Execute this SQL

select ('EPOCH'::TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL (epoc_field::INT) seconds)::TIMESTAMPTZ  as epoc_tz
    -- epoc column - number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970
    select 1682481422 as epoc_field

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Simon Aubury


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