Execute this SQL
with bits as ( select -- add 8 bits to the end to account for the delimiter bit_length(columns(*)) + 8 from <TABLE> ), -- aggregate all columns bits_agg as ( select sum(columns(*)) from bits ), -- unpivot a wide single row of aggs to single column bits_col as ( unpivot bits_agg on columns(*) ) -- add them all up & convert to mb select sum(value) / (8 * 1024 ** 2) as mb from bits_col
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Hamilton Ulmer
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Convert EPOC integer field to TimestampSQL
Editor's note: date/time conversion can be painful in SQL and in many programming languages. Simon shows you how to handle it in DuckDB here, with timezone values. There are other timestamp without timezone functions in the DuckDB docs.
Execute this SQL
select ('EPOCH'::TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL (epoc_field::INT) seconds)::TIMESTAMPTZ as epoc_tz from ( -- epoc column - number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970 select 1682481422 as epoc_field ) ;
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Simon Aubury
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Execute this SQL
--Below SQL to generate MD5 of a string select md5('test')
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StackOverflow Analytics
Editor's note: Michael shares Stackoverflow data in MotherDuck as part of this snippet as well as typical aggregate analytics on the data. There are additional sample data sets attached by default in MotherDuck as the 'sample_data' share.
Which 5 questions have the most comments, what is the post title and comment countSQL
SELECT Title, CommentCount FROM posts WHERE PostTypeId = 1 ORDER BY CommentCount DESC LIMIT 5;
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User reputation and reputation rate per daySQL
SELECT name, reputation, round(reputation/day(today()-createdAt)) as rate, day(today()-createdAt) as days, createdAt FROM users WHERE reputation > 1000000 ORDER BY rate DESC;
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Reputation rate as bar chart with CTESQL
WITH top_users as ( SELECT name, reputation, round(reputation/day(today()-createdAt)) as rate, day(today()-createdAt) as days, createdAt FROM users WHERE reputation > 1000000 ) SELECT name, reputation, rate, bar(rate,150,300,35) AS bar FROM top_users;
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Post statistics per yearSQL
SELECT year(CreationDate) AS year, count(*), round(avg(ViewCount)), max(AnswerCount) FROM posts GROUP BY year ORDER BY year DESC LIMIT 10;
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Posting Frequency with bar chart on Weekdays for "sql" tagSQL
SELECT count(*) as freq, dayname(CreationDate) AS day, bar(freq, 0, 150000,20) AS plot FROM posts WHERE posttypeid = 1 AND tags LIKE '%<sql>%' GROUP BY all ORDER BY freq DESC;
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Posting Frequency with bar chart on Weekdays for "rust" tagSQL
SELECT count(*) as freq, dayname(CreationDate) AS day, bar(freq, 0, 10000,20) AS plot FROM posts WHERE posttypeid = 1 AND tags LIKE '%<rust>%' GROUP BY all ORDER BY freq DESC;
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Michael Hunger
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