Execute this SQL
-- First, transform TBL (or any relation) -- into a single column of structs. with structs (from TBL select TBL) -- Then pack those structs into a list. from structs select list(TBL) as ready_to_plot;
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Execute this SQL
-- create macro CREATE OR REPLACE MACRO udf_products_in_year (v_year, v_category) AS TABLE SELECT name, category, created_at FROM products WHERE category = v_category AND year(created_at) = v_year; -- select using the macro as you would do from a table SELECT * FROM udf_products_in_year (2020, 'Home and Garden'); | Copper Light | Home and Garden | 2020-04-05 00:00:00.000 | | Pink Armchair | Home and Garden | 2020-06-23 00:00:00.000 | -- input ddl and data CREATE TABLE products ( name varchar, category varchar, created_at timestamp ); INSERT INTO products VALUES ('Cream Sofa', 'Home and Garden', '2019-03-14'), ('Copper Light', 'Home and Garden', '2020-04-05'), ('Pink Armchair', 'Home and Garden', '2020-06-23');
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Show supported DuckDB extensionsSQL
Editor's note: DuckDB has many supported extensions for everything from data formats (JSON, parquet, excel, iceberg) to specific types (IP addresses, time zones) to indexing (full-text-search) and more. This table function will tell you which extensions are supported in your local DuckDB install.
Execute this SQL
-- show supported duckdb extensions FROM duckdb_extensions();
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ATTACH 'other.db';SQL
Editor's note: DuckDB allows you to attach multiple databases at once. For example, you can attach a local file, an in-memory database and a database from MotherDuck and work with all of them simultaneously. The ATTACH statement is executed for each database to be attached.
Execute this SQL
-- attach another database, alias inferred from the name ("other") ATTACH 'other.db'; SELECT * FROM other.some_table;
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Query Parquet data in S3Bash
Editor's note: DuckDB users often work with files in Parquet format, which has become a standard for representing data in data lakes. While DuckDB lets you work with local Parquet files, you can also use files stored in blob storage such as Amazon AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud Storage.
Execute this Bash
# Assuming you have the following environment variables defined: # AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID # AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY # AWS_DEFAULT_REGION duckdb -c 'LOAD httpfs; SELECT count(*) FROM read_parquet("s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/*.parquet");'
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No more error on on end of line commasSQL
Editor's note: this query demonstrates default behavior for DuckDB, but boy does it make it easier to comment your SQL lines out without fail.
Execute this SQL
# 🤓 Courtesy of Michael Simons (aka. @rotnroll666) # 🐦 https://twitter.com/rotnroll666/status/1671066790368010241 SELECT foo, bar, # hello, world, # dummy, FROM bazbar;
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City air quality insights based on WHO data
Editor's note: Mehdi's database share includes air quality data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Use his example queries to understand pollution in particular areas. You might even try combining with the spatial extension discussed in other snippets.
Annual city air quality rating based on WHO dataSQL
SELECT city, year, CASE WHEN AVG(pm25_concentration) <= 10 AND AVG(pm10_concentration) <= 20 AND AVG(no2_concentration) <= 40 THEN 'Good' WHEN AVG(pm25_concentration) > 10 AND AVG(pm10_concentration) > 20 AND AVG(no2_concentration) > 40 THEN 'Poor' ELSE 'Moderate' END AS airqualityrating FROM sample_data.who.ambient_air_quality GROUP BY city, year ORDER BY city, year;
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Yearly average pollutant concentrations of a city (Berlin)SQL
SELECT year, AVG(pm25_concentration) AS avg_pm25, AVG(pm10_concentration) AS avg_pm10, AVG(no2_concentration) AS avg_no2 FROM sample_data.who.ambient_air_quality WHERE city = 'Berlin' GROUP BY year ORDER BY year DESC;
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