Put null values last when sorting (like Excel or Postgres)SQL

Editor's note: DuckDB enables you to configure whether NULL values are returned first or last in result sets by default. You can also specify it per query using NULLS LAST in the query ORDER BY clause. Note that NULLS LAST is now the default with 0.8.0+.

Execute this SQL

PRAGMA default_null_order='NULLS LAST';

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Matt Holden


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Query S3 Access LogsSQL

Editor's note: Want to read log files with DuckDB? You can use the read_csv function and custom date/time + regex parsing to do it. To make the data more useful, you can specifically CAST some of the values as numerical types. This snippet also shows CASE WHEN ELSE statements in action.

Execute this SQL

Background: If you have S3 Access Logging enabled on one of your S3 buckets, you'll have some useful information about requests to your bucket. Unfortunately, it's in a semistructured format that can be difficult to parse. This SQL query will can help in this manner, both pulling out individual fields and coersing them to native data types.

Usage: you'll want to search for the strings <bucket> and <prefix>, and insert the S3 bucket where your access logs are being delivered. Use (or delete) <prefix> to filter to a subset of your logs.

Also, these commented out configuration settings you can either run  yourself in the REPL and source this file using `.read parse_s3_access_logs.sql`, or you can uncomment them and supply values for yourself.

-- install https;
-- load https;
-- SET s3_region='us-west-2';
-- SET s3_access_key_id='';
-- SET s3_secret_access_key='';

WITH parsed_logs AS (
        regexp_extract(col1, '^([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\s+([a-z0-9.\-]+)\s+\[([0-9/A-Za-z: +]+)\] ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ("[^"]*"|-) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) (\d+|-) ("[^"]*"|-) ("[^"]*"|-) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+)(.*)$',
        ['bucket_owner', 'bucket', 'timestamp', 'remote_ip', 'request', 'request_id', 'operation', 's3_key', 'request_uri', 'http_status', 's3_errorcode', 'bytes_sent','object_size', 'total_time', 'turn_around_time', 'referer', 'user_agent', 'version_id', 'host_id', 'sigver', 'cyphersuite', 'auth_type', 'host_header', 'tls_version', 'access_point_arn', 'acl_required', 'extra']
    ) AS log_struct
        -- Trick the CSV reader into reading as a single column
            columns={'col1': 'VARCHAR'},
            -- Use a *hopefully* nonsensical deliminator, so no ',' chars screw us up
        -- Grab everything from the struct that we want as strings, exclude stuff we'll coersce to diff types
        log_struct.* exclude (timestamp, bytes_sent, object_size, total_time, turn_around_time),
        strptime(log_struct.timestamp, '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z') AS timestamp,
                WHEN log_struct.bytes_sent = '-' THEN NULL
                ELSE CAST(log_struct.bytes_sent AS INTEGER)
        END AS bytes_sent,
                WHEN log_struct.object_size = '-' THEN NULL
                ELSE CAST(log_struct.object_size AS INTEGER)
        END AS object_size,
                WHEN log_struct.total_time = '-' THEN NULL
                ELSE CAST(log_struct.total_time AS INTEGER)
        END AS total_time,
                WHEN log_struct.turn_around_time = '-' THEN NULL
                ELSE CAST(log_struct.turn_around_time AS INTEGER)
        END AS turn_around_time
FROM parsed_logs;

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Mark Roddy


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build-your-own SUMMARIZE with columns(*), unpivot, and struct.*SQL

Editor's note: Although SUMMARIZE() is fully supported in DuckDB, Hamilton shows you how to build this capability yourself using more primitive functions.

Execute this SQL

-- C = number of columns in TBL, S = number of aggregates
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- (1) use columns(*) to produce S aggregates
-- for each column as a single struct,
-- producing 1 struct row and C columns
with aggregate as (
  from sf311 select 
      name: first(alias(columns(*))),
      type: first(typeof(columns(*))),
      max: max(columns(*))::varchar,
      min: min(columns(*))::varchar,
      approx_unique: approx_count_distinct(columns(*)),
      nulls: count(*) - count(columns(*))
-- (2) unpivot to get a result with C rows and 1 column of structs
columns as (unpivot aggregate on columns(*))
-- (3) explode the struct to get a result with C rows and S columns
select value.* from columns;

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Hamilton Ulmer


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Working with spatial data

Editor's note: Geospatial data is increasingly important for analytics - whether you're looking at data like store inventory, customer location or the weather. The spatial extension for DuckDB provides support for common data formats, calculations and searching within geometries.

Create a point from latitude and longitude pairsSQL

-- Install spatial extension
INSTALL spatial; 
LOAD spatial; 

-- Represent a latitude and longitude as a point
-- The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France has a 
-- latitude of 48.858935 and longitude of 2.293412
-- We can represent this location as a point
SELECT st_point(48.858935, 2.293412) AS Eiffel_Tower;

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Find the distance between two locations (in meters)SQL

-- Distance between the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
-- Using the EPSG spatial reference systems: 
-- EPSG:4326 geographic coordinates as latitude and longitude pairs
-- EPSG:27563 projection that covers northern France and uses meters 

    st_point(48.858935, 2.293412) AS Eiffel_Tower, 
    st_point(48.873407, 2.295471) AS Arc_de_Triomphe,
        st_transform(Eiffel_Tower, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:27563'), 
        st_transform(Arc_de_Triomphe, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:27563')
    ) AS Aerial_Distance_M;

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Find the country for given latitude and longitude locationSQL

-- Load the geometry outline for each country
-- Save the country name and "geom" border in table world_boundaries
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE world_boundaries
FROM st_read('https://public.opendatasoft.com/api/explore/v2.1/catalog/datasets/world-administrative-boundaries/exports/geojson');

-- Find the enclosing country for a given point
-- We can which country the Eiffel Tower is in 
SELECT name, region
FROM world_boundaries
WHERE ST_Within(st_point(2.293412, 48.858935) , geom);

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Simon Aubury


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Working with public REST API's

Editor's note: by combining the read_json capability of DuckDB with the ability to retrieve arbitrary https URLs, you can easily use DuckDB to read data from public and unprotected APIs. Note that you can't currently pass arbitrary HTTP headers to access protected APIs.

Query JSON from a public REST APISQL

-- DuckDB can directly query a public REST API returning a JSON 
-- Query the "tvmaze.com" API for the TV show "South Park"

SELECT name, type, summary
FROM read_json('https://api.tvmaze.com/singlesearch/shows?q=South%20Park', 
auto_detect=true, format='newline_delimited');

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Format the response from a public REST API SQL

-- Format the response from a public REST API 
-- Retrieve a list of temperature readings for Sydney, Australia 
-- The returned payload has hourly temps for 24 hours
-- We can use JSONPath to extract data from a JSON documemnt 
-- to find the most recent temperature

SELECT json_extract(hourly, '$.temperature_2m[1]')
from read_json('https://api.open-meteo.com/v1/forecast?latitude=-33.8678&longitude=151.2073&hourly=temperature_2m&forecast_days=1', auto_detect=true, format='newline_delimited');

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Simon Aubury


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