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Sort by WeekdaysSQL

Execute this SQL

-- duckdb has only weekday-name not number
-- create enum in the right order
create type Weekday as enum ('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday');

-- cast the string to enum for sorting
select count(*), cast(dayname(CreationDate) as Weekday) as day
from posts where posttypeid = 1 and tags like '%>sql<%'
group by all
order by day asc;
-- doing the cast in order by causes a bug

-- ┌──────────────┬───────────┐
-- │ count_star() │    day    │
-- │    int64     │  weekday  │
-- ├──────────────┼───────────┤
-- │       103937 │ Monday    │
-- │       115575 │ Tuesday   │
-- │       119825 │ Wednesday │
-- │       119514 │ Thursday  │
-- │       103445 │ Friday    │
-- │        47139 │ Saturday  │
-- │        47390 │ Sunday    │
-- └──────────────┴───────────┘

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Michael Hunger

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