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Convert CSV to Parquet and provide schema to use
Editor's note: while there are other snippets showing file conversion, Parth's shows you how to convert from CSV to Parquet files using DuckDB with specification of the entire schema (columns) and compression codec.
Execute this Bash
duckdb -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM read_csv('pageviews-sanitized-20230101-000000.csv', delim=' ', header=False, columns={'domain_code': 'VARCHAR', 'page_title': 'VARCHAR', 'count_views': 'UINTEGER', 'total_response_size': 'UINTEGER'})) TO 'pageviews-sanitized-20230101-000000.parquet' (FORMAT 'PARQUET', CODEC 'zstd')"
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Parth Patil
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